Teamwork Room Acoustics

Kategorie: Acoustics

Measurement and acoustic planning of a room in the Dresden Technical Collections. Together with Pia, Mathias and Leonard.

You can download the complete thesis here.
Grade: A.

The image above shows a rendering of the CAD model with all acoustic measures.

The task was to record the acoustic situation in a room of the Dresden Technical Collections. To do this, we took 18 measurements of the reverberation time together. I created the CAD model from the room geometry that we measured in-situ. Together with Leonard, I then created the model in ODEON. We validated the model by correcting the large floor area and concrete ceiling.

At the same time, I created a concept for the exhibition space with the help of Christian Nocke’s informative book. As this is a large room with a long reverberation time, the basis for the design of the measures was the SABINE formula. The following graph shows the various absorbers and their surfaces.

Graph that schows the needed equivalent absorption area.

The measures listed:

  1. Perforated plasterboard panels
    • 50 m²
    • Arranged in the ceiling system
    • Absorption in the speech-relevant area
  2. Diffusion surfaces
    • approx. 55 m²
    • At the side of the ceiling absorber
    • Spatial distribution of the sound
  3. Composite panel resonators (VPR)
    • 28 m²
    • On the side walls (printable)
    • Low-frequency absorption and suppression of standing waves
  4. Melamine foam
    • 2.5 m²
    • In small size between windows
    • Optional measure for problems at f = 2 kHz

In ODEON it is possible to carry out an auralisation to gain an impression of the acoustic improvement. The audio excerpts contain a transmitter (LS3), a receiver (M5) and 2 background transmitters (LS1 + LS2). The situation simulates a guided tour through the museum, with other people in the room in addition to the main speaker.

Room without absorbers
Room with absorbers

Teamwork Room Acoustics posted by Michael Funk @ 27. March 2024